The Macro-setting of this parable is the journey from Galilee to Jerusalem, in and around Samaria (Luke 9-19). The micro-setting is Jesus being questioned by a legal scholar about Torah (10:25-37). It was the job of legal scholars - "lawyers" - to test the knowledge of itinerant rabbis to see if they were faithful to the Bible. Jesus passes each of these tests and with each "pass" our trust in him deepens.
This particular episode
is of paramount importance because Jesus goes to the heart of the Torah as defined by
“neighbor love” (Lev 19:18, 34 and Deut. 6:5) and then exegetes another story which
illustrates a normative form of “neighbor love” which Jesus then uses to define “neighbor” in the
most generous terms (2 Chronicles 28:5-15). These interpretative moves happen in two sets of dialogues. To see how the parable functions as an answer to the second series of questions and as an elucidation of the first series of questions in the larger dialogue, it is helpful to chart the dialogue between Jesus and his theological
First Dialogue: And behold, a
lawyer stood up to put him to the test, saying,
“Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?”
Lawyer: Question
He said to him,
“What is written in the law? How do you read it?”
Jesus: Question
And he answered
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your
soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor
as yourself.”
Lawyer: Answer
to 2
And he said to
him, “you have answered right; do
this, and you shall live.”
Jesus: Answer to
Second Dialogue: He,
desiring to justify himself, said to Jesus,
“And who is my
Lawyer: Question
Jesus replied,
“A certain main went down from Jerusalem to Jericho…” Which of these three
became a neighbor?”
Jesus: Question
4 (in the form of a parable - a metaphorical & theological "retelling" of 2 Chronicles 28:5-15)
Lawyer: “The one
who showed him mercy.”
Lawyer: Answer
to 4
Jesus said: “You
go and do likewise.”
Jesus: Answer to
It is
important to see this parable as part of a larger dialogue whereby the lawyer
seeks to figure out what he must “do” in order to inherit eternal life. The question of who is “one’s neighbor” is
subsidiary to the prior question of eternal life, but an answer to the later
informs the former. Yet, because the
lawyer is seeking to “justify himself” (for apparently not doing this command), Jesus answers the follow up question
indirectly in the form of a parable.
The parable itself is an exposition of an OT story about
neighborliness. According to Leviticus
19, which the lawyer quotes, a neighbor is either an Israelite or resident
alien. But the story of 2 Chronicles 28
expands our understanding of neighbor by showing how the Jews’ ancient enemies
(and half brothers) the Samaritans treated them with mercy…even providing intimate
details of putting them on donkeys and transporting them to Jericho to be cared
for. Jesus takes a significant (but
largely forgotten) episode in Israel’s history and brings it into immediate
consciousness in the form of this parable.
This lawyer should be glad his definition of neighborliness was not what
his ancestors received. The ancestors to
the Samaritans were not busy “defining” neighbor but rather acted as a neighbor
- with mercy – to their estranged brother Israelite to the south of them.
are several reasons this parable works so well at answering the lawyer's questions beyond its arresting allusion to
this foundational story of neighborliness.
One way people identified kinship in a highly stratified society was
through dress and speech. If you were a
northerner, you often would dress different and talk with an accent. But in this story, Jesus has rendered the man beaten,
unconscious, and left naked. The usual identification markers - accent and dress - are eliminated. The question
“who is my neighbor” is no longer relevant in this instance. One must find other criteria for
neighborliness – and Jesus offers another through his subversive retelling of
the original Good Samaritan story in 2 Chronicles 28. By way of Jesus teaching, the new criterion is “showing mercy” to
those in need and his concluding comment is for the lawyer to “do
This is
an example of metaphorical theology.
Jesus is telling his interlocutor that the path way to eternal life is
paved by mercy – God’s mercy to us first of all and then our reciprocation of
mercy to those in need. This is not only
a theme in Luke’s gospel (cf. 1:50, 72) but also Paul’s (1 Cor 7:25 and Eph
2:4) and Peter’s (1 Peter 2:10). Mercy
is the wellspring of grace and the precondition to receiving grace. For the condemned grace is experienced as mercy. God's grace is every where but the unmerciful don't see it and don't receive it. Mercy is the antidote to this delusion. "Blessed are the merciful for they shall receive mercy" (Matt 5:7).
parable of the Good Samaritan is the first parable told in Jesus’ Samaritan
travelogue. Because it addresses the
wellspring of salvation (“what must I do to inherit eternal life”) as well as
corrects a misunderstanding of ministry to outsiders and deviants (“who is my neighbor?”) this parable
is programmatic of his Samaritan ministry, not merely ad hoc. That is, as he makes his journey to Jerusalem we will see Jesus expanding the normal definition of "neighbor" and thus extending the parameters of "hospitality" as practiced by fellow Jews. We will see him engaging, befriending and practicing hospitality with the most unlikely of characters - tax collectors, lepers, and the like.
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